
Marketing We Love: The 3 Best Ads From 2021 That Restored Our Faith in Advertising

We live in a world where the average person is exposed to anywhere between 4,000 and 10,000 ads a day. So, why do we remember some over others? What do the best marketing campaigns in the world have in common, and what makes them so memorable in the minds and hearts of millions? While a lot goes into an award-winning ad, there’s one common thread for memorable advertising – and that’s telling a story that sticks. And so, without further ado, here are the top 3 ads from 2021 that we believe deserve a standing ovation.

  1. Heinz – “Draw Ketchup”

The best ads are those that, well, don’t feel like ads at all. You see, we’re not living in the ‘80s anymore, and the savviest marketers know that today’s consumers want to feel spoken to like human beings. They want to feel involved in the ads they’re watching, and Heinz hit this nail on the head in 2021 with their “Draw Ketchup” campaign. They simply asked ordinary people worldwide to draw ketchup, and astoundingly, everyone drew Heinz. Not only did this prove Heinz’ incredible posture in the ketchup market, but it also brought people and countries into the story via their drawings.

2. Nike – “Play New”

In line with their long-standing mantra – “Just do it” – Nike once again got athletes to prove their ability to conquer their goals. This 2021 ad took a different spin on the idea. Nike got champion athletes to try their hands at other sports – and most of them failed dismally at anything other than what made them famous. This campaign gave hope to the millions of viewers who could laugh along and see that even “invincible” world sports champions aren’t so invincible after all.

3. Planters – “Shake it Like Dad”.

This ad makes light of some of the commonly featured dad stereotypes in media. Planters are simply participating in the increased interest in dads around the Father’s Day holiday without formally pushing their products.

What was your favorite marketing campaign from 2021, and why? Be sure to let us know in the comment box below. Need some help with getting those creative juices flowing? Start a conversation with KP Kreative for help conceptualizing your next award-winning campaign.

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Kimberly Portuondo
February 8, 2022
min read
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