
Back to Basics: What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is defined by as, “…a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results.” In other words, it’s the process of improving where your website shows up on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Search Engine Optimization

Let’s begin with a little history. Believe it or not, SEO began around 1997 when the manager of the band Jefferson Starship was unhappy that their website showed up on the fourth page of search results instead of the first. The site developers responded by adding the band name repeatedly in text that matched the background color of the site. It immediately shot to number one. That was the first instance of SEO. Please note: That practice is called cloaking and is now detrimental to your ranking—in fact, your website will likely be penalized by Google for engaging in this technique.

Search engines have come a long way since 1997. These days, Google, as the number one search engine, uses a series of algorithms to find the most relevant, useful results for searches. These algorithms return results based on user intent, the relevance of the web pages, quality and freshness of content, the usability of the site, and other factors.

Do I Need SEO on My Website?

If you have a website, and you want it to be found by search engines, the answer is yes. SEO for small businesses is critical to grab those desired page one Google rankings. Google uses indicators such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, user experience, domain authority (reputation), backlinks, keyword use, and more to determine where your website appears in the search results.

There is a meme that’s been floating around for years that says, “The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google search results.” If you don’t want your site buried, you need to use SEO.

Is Keyword Research the Same As SEO?

Keyword research is only one part of the SEO process. There are many components both on-page and off-page that need to be optimized.

Do I Need to Know How to Code for SEO?

Most of the on-page SEO can be done without special knowledge. That includes keyword optimization, adding images with alt tags, internal linking, providing fresh content, and more.

When you get into technical SEO, there may be instances where knowledge of HTML and CSS will be helpful, but in general, you can do a fine job of SEO without touching the code.

Can I Do My Own SEO?

SEO requires the use of Google Analytics, Search Console, and other tools that require a level of expertise. You can take online courses to learn how to optimize your website for SEO or you can find a professional with the skills you need.

Can KP Kreative Help With My Website SEO?

Absolutely! Our SEO specialists, digital marketing experts, and content writers can work together to improve your website ranking. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you!

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Dorothy Distefano
May 31, 2022
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