
What Is Remarketing and How to Do It Effectively

Remarketing helps keep your brand in front of your potential customers' eyes even after they navigate away from your website. This can be very helpful in persuading them to revisit your site when they are ready to purchase from you.

Remarketing campaigns allow you to target your website visitors who are much more likely to convert since they have already been to your site. With remarketing campaigns, you're reminding and persuading visitors that weren't initially ready to buy or make a purchase yet.

How to Remarket Effectively

Remarketing is a form of digital ad targeting that can help you convert and recapture prospects that have already made a purchase or visited your site. The technology involves using a non-invasive text file in the code for your website to collect data about user behavior. Two major advertisers make it pretty easy to set up remarketing campaigns:

Remarketing with Google Ads (formerly AdWords)

Google Remarketing Tag

Within Google Ads look for what it called a remarketing tag. You will see instructions you can send to your web developer to install these on your site. Simply install the Google remarketing tag on pages which correspond to specific categories, such as the events you are promoting or the products you are selling. When a user visits this page, a tagged is placed in their browser so that your remarketing ads will be shown to them.

Google Remarketing Lists

Remarketing, just like any form of advertising should be strategic. You have the ability to create remarketing lists so you can tailor your ads to people who have visited specific pages of your site, or who have taken certain actions once on your site. People who visit your site multiple times are more valuable than those who have only been there once, so you may want to set up your strategy to bid aggressively for repeat visitors, for example.

Google Similar Audiences

Similar Audiences can be used to expand upon your already existing lists. These are people who look identical to your own website visitors. This list is based on the data collected from the Google tags placed on your website, or from lists that you can upload from your CRM software if applicable.

Google Audiences By Demographics

Demographic-based audiences are categorized by age, gender or location. The chances are that you or someone on your team already has an idea of what your target audience’s demographics are. With Google’s display ads you can select demographics for your remarketing ads.

Remarketing with the Facebook Pixel

Facebook’s remarketing ads work similarly to Google remarketing ads, but your ads appear on Facebook instead of Google Search. The idea behind Facebook remarketing ads is the same: You place what is called a Facebook pixel code on your website. Somebody visits your site, and they’re labeled with code to track them. Then, the next time they are on Facebook, your ad pops up to remind about your brand. Here are some of the different things your Facebook Pixel can track

Add Payment Info

Add payment info is an event when someone add credit card info to your site while buying something.

Add To Cart

Add to Cart is an event in which users can add a list of items to your cart and the website will keep track of these items, and they are not deleted until the users delete them. This way you can serve an abandoned cart ad to them and they can go straight to checkout with their items. advertising. You could be passing up an enormous number of sales opportunities without consolidating this remarketing audience in your plan. About a quarter of clients return and complete the buying process.

Add To Wishlist

Add to Wishlist event is a little different than Add to Cart. It allows users to store any particular item in the list. And can use this list for future purchase. It Saves customers time because the person doesn't have to search for the product the next time he visits the website.

Complete Registration

Complete registration is an event when users have submitted information to register for an event or to sign up for a mailing list.

Initiate Checkout

It is similar to the Add to Cart event, but measures these events immediately after the desired items or products are added to the cart, and the user initiates the checkout process.


Lead is an event when a visitor has completed the sign-up process and chose to buy a trial pack or other simple or premium packs.


As the name suggests it is an event when a purchase is made on your site.


Search is when users have made a simple search within your website for a particular product or item.

View Content

It is an event when a page on your website is viewed. The view content event is trigger when any page on your website loads.

Many marketers brush off the thought retargeting customers because they may have already converted. However, with today’s technology you can track what they have or have not done and only target people who haven’t taken the desired actions on your website.

So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to give remarketing campaigns a try.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
December 11, 2018
min read
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