
How to Utilize Marketing and Email Automation

Worried about your marketing efforts while on vacation? Taking time off is not easy for a business owner or marketing professional. You probably plan to make phone calls, answer emails, and respond to requests during your downtime. KP Kreative believes that running a business successfully requires a bit of rest and relaxation. This is why we've created a list of tips to help you keep your digital marketing campaign afloat!

What is Marketing Automation?

Multifunctional campaigns and marketing processes can be managed using marketing automation technology across several channels. Automation of digital marketing campaigns and sales activities maximizes efficiency and increases revenue. Whether it's email marketing, social media posting, or even ad campaigns, you know how repetitive and time-consuming it can be. Through marketing automation technology, these activities can be automated and made more manageable.

Keeping Things Running While You're Away

Your vacation will be much more relaxing and rejuvenating when you have marketing automation tools on your side. Here are a few examples of marketing automation tools that can help maintain your digital marketing campaigns:

  1. Google Voice: This is an excellent option for leaders without the time and resources to answer every call. With Google Voice, you can translate messages and reply to the important ones, ignoring the spam that wastes your vacation time.
  2. Hootsuite: Social media is so time-consuming and can weigh you down. Use a software program like Hootsuite to create a content calendar and schedule your posts in advance. This way, you can spend your vacation without worrying about manual postings.
  3. Utilize Chatbots: Do you find yourself answering the same questions repeatedly? If you have frequently asked questions, you might want to try a chatbot that can answer them quickly and easily. In addition to getting a break, your customers will appreciate the quick response.
  4. Email Automation: You don't need to send individualized emails to every lead. When leads complete a form or take action on your website, you can automatically send them emails using marketing software. You can personalize emails by using merge fields so that they appear as if they have been sent by you directly.
  5. Manage Important Notifications: Need to know when your leads visit your website or look at your proposal? Proposal and marketing automation software programs can provide you with this information. While on vacation, you can set up rules to notify you when hot prospects are viewing important materials.
  6. Insights Into Leads: Leads can be scored using marketing automation by how they interact with you, your emails, and your website. Set up lead scoring criteria specific to your organization and keep track of hot leads as they move through the sales funnel. The leads can even be assigned to specific salespeople so that they receive notifications while you are on vacation.

Maintaining relationships and interactions is possible with automation. KP Kreative is here to assist you in implementing them. Find out how one of our experts can help you optimize your marketing efforts by filling out our free evaluation form!

Post author
Carley Ray
August 16, 2022
min read
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