
Use Emojis For Your Marketing!

Using Emojis for Your Marketing

Emoji have become such a big part of communication. They’ve even gotten their own social media holiday: July 17th, World Emoji Day. Yes, you read correctly, World Emoji Day.

With 92% of consumers using emojis, they can be enormously impactful for your marketing. Consumers are used to seeing emojis in text messages, emails, and on social media. Many brands are using emojis to communicate with their consumers, and it has proven a successful tactic. Here are a few ideas to help you use emojis for your marketing:

Make them relevant

If an emoji isn't related to your content, don't use it – even if it is your favorite! Choose one or two that are related to your content to make sure the focus isn't lost.

Connect with your audience

Consumers have accepted emojis and are using them regularly. It's an easy way to humanize your brand and inject some personality into your marketing content. Using emojis to speak to a particular audience is an excellent way to make a personal connection.

Pay attention to your tone

Emojis can help you communicate with your audience without using words, but that doesn't mean emojis will work for every product/service or audience. Mind your tone of voice and emoji selection because of cross-cultural differences and age groups to avoid inappropriate or inaccurate interpretations.

Don't overuse Emojis

This point is relevant for any marketing technique. Using Emojis in conversation is fun; it's so much fun that some brands sometimes go crazy with it. Review your content and if the emojis are distracting from your content then eliminate some of them. Otherwise, your audience could overloaded and will not buy from you.

Emojis help make brands more pleasant and relatable when used correctly. Let us know how you use emojis or your marketing by leaving us a comment!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
July 9, 2019
min read
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