
Top 3 Time-Saving Marketing Tools- Part 3

For the third, and final, part of our time saving marketing tools series, we want to talk about scheduling your blog posts with the help of Squarespace.


Squarespace is a drag and drop website platform, similar to WordPress. The only difference, is that there's never any need to update software, widgets or plug-in; patch security vulnerabilities, or worry that changing one component might break something else. You don't even need to know the code, although the option is there if you want to customize your site. The other great thing about Squarespace, is that it has blogging capabilities built right into the platform.

How to Schedule a Blog Post on Squarespace

  1. Login to your Squaresapce account
  2. Click on your website
  3. Click where it says “Pages”
  4. Go to the Blog Page
  5. Click the + Icon on the top right of the gray box on the left side of the screen
  6. Title your blog post
  7. Write your blog post (or paste it in if you have written it before)
  8. You can use the text editor to style and hyperlink your text
  9. Next, create tags and categories to organize your posts and help visitors easily find content that interests them.
  10. Now, in the gray part of the blog editor, click where it says “Draft”
  11. Click where it says “Scheduled”
  12. Click the link next to the word “Publish” it should say Today an a time.
  13. Select a time and date to schedule publish.
  14. Click Save.

After saving the post will display in the Scheduled section. On its publication date, it will automatically publish. The live post will display the publication date.

I would suggest developing a content strategy (we can help!) and drafting your blog posts and scheduling them at least a month in advance. This will help you save time so you can focus on the bigger picture for your business.

This wraps up our time saving marketing tools series! How do you save time with your marketing? Let us know in the comments.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
June 4, 2019
min read
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