
Tips for Your Back to School Strategy

The back-to-school season spans an eight-week period from early July to late August. However, given the uncertainty going into the 2020-2021 school year, it’s worth reviewing your current strategy to ensure it still makes sense. Here are our tips to refocus your back to school strategy:

Frame a sale/giveaway with a virtual learning environment in mind

Back to school sales or giveaways are very common and therefore expected by consumers. If you sell products or provide services that can be useful for teachers, students, or parents during the back to school season you should consider providing them at a discount. However, since education is shifting to a more virtual environment, you may be able to expand your offerings to include more technology-focused products. You can also consider a ‘give-back’ campaign where you provide support to the local schools during the back to school season.

Determine who in education you equipped to help

Students are typically the first audience that comes to mind during the back to school season. However, teachers and parents are also likely to be shopping during the back to school season. If you can narrow down your focus to a specific audience, you will be able to personalize your marketing to better connect with them.

Focus on trends

In order to optimize your back-to-school marketing plan, make sure you’re focused on the current trends in education. With schools considering blended models, half capacity, and virtual learning there are many needs in the education market that did not previously exist. It is important to keep up with these trends so that you can show up to meet your consumer’s needs as they continue to change.

Looking for more marketing advice? Click here to contact one of our specialists.

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 25, 2020
min read
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