
The Importance of Understanding Your Target Audience

Identifying a target audience can help your business to develop successful digital marketing strategies. If you are trying to target everyone, you are likely to reach no one. Your target audience is people with similar traits/characteristics who are most likely to buy your products. Your business may have several different target audiences. That is ok! It is simply important to create and thoroughly understand your target audience(s) so that you can best reach them.

Narrow Down Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience can be time-consuming, but it is worth the effort as it will help to guide your marketing efforts long term. Determining your target audience upfront will allow you to spend your marketing dollars wisely to reach them.

Start by describing your product or service values. What problems can your product or service help to solve? From there, identify the type of person most likely to benefit from what you have to offer. Once you have a specific consumer in mind, you can do market research, surveys, or focus groups to figure out how to best communicate with your target audience.

Create Marketing Content Specific to Your Target Audience

Now that you've established a target audience, you can build messages that directly cater to them. For example, an interior decorator will likely have several different target audiences and will tailor their marketing campaigns to each specific audience. The content for a high-end homeowner in need of a redesign would be different than content for a senior citizen looking to downsize.

Identify Under-Served Audiences

You are likely not the only business who is trying to reach your target audience. An effective way to reach consumers is to find consumers who are under-served. This allows you to create a niche product specifically for your target audience.

By using a target audience strategy, you'll save money and get a higher return on investment.

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Kimberly Portuondo
July 7, 2020
min read
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