
Tapping into the Potential of a Holiday Weekend

Marketing Do’s and Don’ts for Holiday Weekends

What is one of the most-loved activities on any holiday? Shopping! And with that comes an excellent opportunity for you to take a bite out of the marketing apple. This, however, isn’t an invitation to go absolutely bonkers. There are some limitations that can make or break your holiday weekend marketing strategy. So, here are some marketing do’s and don’ts for holiday weekends so you know exactly how to prepare:

DO Consider Your Audience’s Emotions

This isn’t the time for cookie-cutter sales. Holidays are about bringing people and their emotions together, so your marketing strategy should go according to what your audience is feeling. Right? For this type of emotional marketing effort, you can go with out-of-the-ordinary discounts or family-bundle specials.

DON’T Overdo It

Sure, you want to tell everyone about your 50% candle sale for Christmas, but don’t throw the candle sale in their faces like all the other companies are doing. You want to get them interested, not make them skittish.

DO Prioritize Your Existing Clients

Customers don’t want to see you constantly chasing after new clients when they aren’t getting a proper “thank you” for their loyalty and support. So, give the loyal folks something they can hold onto and feel good about – like a coupon or a value-added product.

DON’T Lose Your Unique Voice

A lot of companies jump onto the marketing wagon and forget that they are, and should remain, unique. If you don’t keep some genuine flavor, your clients aren’t going to recognize you in the crowd.

It’s important for you to try your hand at emotional marketing when you consider your holiday marketing strategy. This will give your new and existing customers a sneak peek into who you really are!

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Kimberly Portuondo
May 26, 2021
min read
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