
Some of Our Favorite Projects of 2019

Over the years we have helped a lot of businesses improve their digital presence. Some projects stand out to us due to their originality. Here’s a look back at some of our favorite projects from 2019.

Manifest Your Epic Life

Manifest Your Epic Life helps women achieve their dreams. They offer anything from self-help retreats, online coaching, one-to-one coaching, and more.

We had worked with them before to create an SEO-friendly, responsive website. For this project, they wanted our help with digital advertising. Manifest Your Epic Life was looking for help to promote an upcoming event in Miami as well as their online coaching program. We collaborated with Dr. Aixa Goodrich to create videos to describe the program in detail. Additionally, we had clients film testimonial videos to establish social proof for the event. During this process, we also created a streamlined email marketing funnel with several free giveaways and a discount on the event pricing for those subscribers. The results are still coming in from these efforts and we are continuously making improvements to the funnel to increase conversions.

Double Trouble Management

Double Trouble Management works with athletes through the process of college recruitment, scholarships, and going pro. David Hoshko had started working on a website for this new business. He was having trouble clearly communicating all the services that DT Management business has to offer. He also wanted to show off the partnerships and the professional video footage they had set up for DT Management.

David reached out to KP Kreative to create a website that would help them clarify all the services they offer to their family of athletes and to help potential clients find them on search engines.

KP Kreative reworked their professionally shot video footage into a loop that now appears on their website's homepage. We also created a page to highlight the partnerships of DT Management in addition to creating a page dedicated to their services.

KP Kreative investigated the target audience of DT Management and optimized their website to give them an opportunity to have a better rank on search engines.

Senior Market Solutions

Senior Market Solutions, a leading independent Medicare Supplements Agency, represents over 30 carriers of Medicare supplements. They only had a one-page website, needed a lot of help with their SEO, and were also interested in digital advertising.

The first step in improving their online presence was to create a much more detailed website and then create ads to expand their digital reach even further.


First, we sat down with Senior Market Solutions and addressed all the questions related to Medigap insurance. This helped us in creating a detailed website which was responsive, easy to use and now had a different page for each question they commonly receive from their clients.

Secondly, we worked on their SEO. SEO works well if you know who your target audience is and how to reach them. KP Kreative researched Senior Market Solution’s target audience and optimized their website to show up for what their ideal clients are searching online.

Once we had the website finalized and optimized, we began creating digital ads. Prior to digital advertising, Senior Market Solutions was relying on cold calling to establish leads. KP Kreative created on both Facebook and Google ads. The Facebook ads were created with the intention of creating more targeted audiences and remarketing campaigns; while the Google ads focused on targeting leads based on their search queries.

Suffice to say our magic worked and the campaigns have proven to be very successful at lead generation for Senior Market Solutions.

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Kimberly Portuondo
December 31, 2019
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