
How to Create a Social Media Posting Schedule

Maintaining a social media presence can be challenging. Thousands of businesses compete for attention on feeds daily, so it can be difficult to stand out. Social media requires 24/7 attention, which isn't possible. However, if you plan your social media posts, you can set aside an hour or two weekly to fill your queue with excellent content. Here's how to boost your performance with a social media posting schedule by finding the best time to post on social media and applying it to your content calendar.

Steps to Determine a Social Media Posting Schedule

Set Goals

Specific, measurable goals for your social media channels are essential for building a following and growing relationships. For instance, you might want to convert ten new customers per month via Instagram. This goal is appropriate because it is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based.

Consider the Purpose

Every social media channel's purpose is different. Twitter is ideal for text-based posts and links to industry news, while Instagram serves up visual and in-the-moment content. Consider each social media platform's purpose and determine how you want to maximize each one for your business before you plan your social media posting schedule. For example, you might use Facebook to share blog posts, Twitter for industry news, and Instagram for behind-the-scenes business insights.

Find the Best Time to Post on Social Media

Different social networks attract different audiences, which means they'll be active at different times. You need to know when the specific audience you want to reach is most active on the channels you choose. In the case of young business professionals, you are unlikely to reach them during their working hours on Facebook.

Start With One or Two Platforms

It can be tempting to hit the ground running and try to post simultaneously on every social media channel. However, it's exhausting and won't result in success. Overstretching yourself will make measuring your results difficult, and your schedule might become stressful. Instead, focus on just one or two networks. Doing this lets you learn what your audience likes and engages with. Select the social media networks your audience would be most interested in.

Observe and Adjust

An excellent way to learn what your audience likes is to test, test, and test again. For this, you need to:

  • Measure key engagement metrics (such as comments, likes, and clicks)
  • Track your goals (if you want to gain 10 qualified leads a month, but you're only bringing in 5, should your goal be adjusted, or can you modify your strategy to achieve it?)
  • Identify the most engaging posts and create more content like your best posts

Let Page One Digital Help!

A social media posting schedule requires planning, creating, implementing, and measuring. And consistent posting paired with a solid content calendar will help you see what's working and what's not, increasing your overall ROI. If you are still unsure of the best time to post on social media, contact Page One Digital for a free evaluation.

Post author
Carley Ray
July 18, 2023
min read
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