
SEO Strategy for Google Search’s AI Overviews

Google has launched an exciting new tool for Search: AI Overviews, formerly known as Search Generative Experience (SGE). This feature leverages Google’s generative AI model—Gemini—to create quick answers to queries, potentially streamlining the search experience. The question on the minds of many is how AI Overviews will impact website traffic and search engine optimization. Understanding how AI Overviews work and refining your SEO strategies could be the keys to ensuring the impact is more positive than not. 

What Are Google’s AI Overviews?

After being announced during CEO Sundar Pichai’s keynote at Google I/O, AI Overviews officially rolled out to millions of users in the United States. The tool had previously been available through Search Labs as SGE—Head of Google Search Liz Reid says that AI Overviews has been used billions of times in the past year

If you have Google Chrome, you already have access to this feature. According to Google, you’ll see an AI Overview in instances where it’s the quickest way to get the information you’re looking for. Not every query will pull an AI Overview—questions like “Who is Sundar Pichai” and “Is the CEO of Google a billionaire and how much money does he make a year” currently return normal search results. 

But the query “Does generative AI help with SEO” brings up an AI Overview box at the top of the search engine results page with an AI-generated answer. 

AI Overviews are generated using information sourced from Google’s Knowledge Map, which is also used to create Knowledge Panels, as well as info pulled from around the web. Google also notes that the results are not guaranteed to be accurate. 

Future updates currently being tested in Search Labs include the ability to regenerate results in simpler terms or provide a more in-depth breakdown. 

How Generative AI Overviews Could Affect Website Traffic & SEO

One of the most prevalent concerns with the rollout of AI Overviews is how it will affect website traffic. With an AI Overview positioned over relevant websites and potentially answering the user’s question, many assume that a decrease in traffic is inevitable. However, Reid says that people use Google Search more and are generally more satisfied with the results thanks to AI Overviews.

Google does not intend for AI Overviews to replace the traditional search experience. Hema Budaraju, Google’s senior director of product management for Search, describes the former SGE as “a jumping-off point for exploring helpful information on the web, with links to search results included alongside each AI overview.” 

AI Overviews also include links to sources it deems relevant and authoritative. Per Google Search Central, there’s no way to increase your odds of being featured in an AI Overview beyond continuing to follow best practices. This shows the continued importance of building experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness—or E-E-A-T—as well as creating unique content and following SEO best practices.

SEO Strategy for Google Search’s Generative AI Overviews 

Because AI Overviews are not available for every kind of search query, offer links to relevant sources, and don’t outright replace traditional search results, SEO remains a critical component of digital marketing. As has always been the case, SEO strategies will simply have to adapt to account for innovation. 

One approach may be to avoid targeting keywords that generate an AI Overview. Focusing on keywords and queries that only pull a traditional search engine results page removes having to contend with an AI-generated answer. Because AI Overviews could change over time, being diligent with keyword strategy will be a must. It’s also important to note that while the tool focuses on answering complex queries, Google generates AI Overviews for short-tail, mid-tail, and long-tail keywords, including simple terms like “SERP” and “digital marketing.”

It may also prove fruitful to focus on keywords and queries that generate an AI Overview if there’s an opportunity to be featured in the answer. Appearing at a prominent spot at the top of the search results page could be as beneficial as appearing in a featured snippet or as an answer to a People Also Ask query. Good SEO via unique, informative content can help generate E-E-A-T, which Google’s AI Overviews will use to determine which websites to offer as sources.

If you find that your website is being presented in an AI Overview, it’s especially important to monitor website performance through tools like Google Search Console. This can help you determine whether featuring in an AI Overview is beneficial and develop SEO strategies accordingly. 

Adapt to AI & Show Up in Search Results With Page One Digital

Generative AI could change the way millions of people find results on Google, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for SEO. In fact, now is potentially one of the most important times to revamp your SEO strategy, and the experts at Page One Digital can help. From website audits and optimization to content creation and social media marketing, we’re here to help you stay one step ahead in an ever-changing landscape. Contact us today to get started! 

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Kyle Johnson
May 21, 2024
min read
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