
5 Seasonal Marketing Tips for Fall

Fall is upon us, and with it comes a ton of important holidays you’ll likely want to market for. As the season changes, so does consumer behavior and so should your marketing strategy. Your seasonal marketing strategy should help people get into the groove of a new season.

Here are five marketing tips for fall you can use to transition with the season:

1. Stay with the Times

Pay attention, adapt, and address common problems people are dealing with. For example, you can tap into ways people can celebrate a socially distanced Thanksgiving. This way, people will see that you’re in this with them.

2. Start Your Marketing Strategy Early

Don’t leave your fall marketing strategy to the last minute. Start building your brand awareness a little earlier by marketing your upcoming fall discounts, promotions, and products a little earlier. When fall does make its appearance, your audience will already know what to expect from your company.

3. Create a Plan B

If this past year has taught us anything, it’s that times can change in a matter of hours. Try to have a marketing and sales plan B in case the country faces another lockdown. While you’re at it, be sure to market this plan B so your audience can have peace of mind knowing they’ll still be able to purchase from you in such an event.

4. Ditch Old Habits & Promote New Sales

Be cognizant of the previous year’s successes and failures, compare these to your current target audience, and set-up a new and improved seasonal marketing strategy accordingly. You can always adapt new trends with older means of communication.

5. Get in on the Craze for Non-Fallers

Not all regions have a “fall transition”. Some areas simply have a direct summer-to-winter shock or a year-long summer which makes fall marketing moot. But that doesn’t mean you can’t leverage the holidays! Use all the major holidays to place yourself in the middle of the festive action.

Fall is colorful, filled with tricks, and highlights the importance of gratitude, so be sure to get an early start on your fall marketing strategy!

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 21, 2021
min read
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