
The Realities of SEO

The Realities of SEO

You’ve researched keywords, written great content, added blogs, and done your best to make your website an SEO masterpiece, yet it’s underperforming. Why? There are some SEO fundamentals that you might be missing. Sit back, relax, and let us tell you the truth about SEO.

SEO Is Ongoing Work

There’s no one-and-done SEO solution. Every single time you make a change to your website, you have to consider how it will affect SEO—whether it’s adding or revising content or changing the design. And after each change? It will take at least one month to see the affect on your search ranking.

The Algorithm Isn’t the Enemy

We already know that Google literally makes thousands of changes to search every year. Trying to “beat the algorithm” isn’t your goal with SEO. Your goal is to beat the competition. Watch what they’re doing. Look at their keyword rankings. What are they doing that you can do better?

SEO Isn’t Enough

If your website is old and outdated or isn’t well-maintained, no amount of SEO will help. Your site needs to be up-to-date, appealing, mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and add value to your site visitors. Subpar sites need more than SEO to rank on search engines.

If You’re Going to Do SEO, Do It Right

Adding a few keywords to your website isn’t SEO. If you know your SEO facts, you understand that SEO is a commitment. You need knowledgeable, experienced people working on your SEO every single day to reap the benefits.

SEO Is Never Over

There is no end date for your SEO efforts. Search is constantly changing. Your competition is evolving. And Google is trying to deliver authoritative, trustworthy content to its users. SEO doesn’t end until you close your doors, all of your competitors fall off the map, or Google suddenly reaches perfection and doesn’t make any more changes.

The SEO experts at KP Kreative have the experience and knowledge to improve your organic search rankings. Contact us to find out more.

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December 15, 2020
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