
5 Podcast Marketing Tips for International Podcast Day

Gone are the days where we need to listen to what the local radio station has to offer. Sure, the radio is still there, but podcasts have definitely become a hot topic around the globe. Whether you already have a podcast or you want to promote your podcast that you’ve just launched, here are five easy podcast marketing tips ahead of International Podcast Day:

1. Feature a Guest

Having a guest on your podcast already highlights some sort of exclusivity. Invite someone popular who’ll also promote their own appearance on your podcast.

2. Promote Your Podcast

Like with any product or service, it’s best to promote your podcast in order to build up a decent list of listeners. As your audience grows, you can begin to promote your podcast showing off how popular it already is.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Getting your listeners involved in your podcast makes them feel important while giving your podcast a personable flavor. Ask your listeners to post their opinions, ask questions, or even suggest hot topics to talk about.

4. Get on Someone Else’s Podcast

Try to be a guest on other podcasts as well! You’ll broaden your reach, expand your network, and listeners will get to know your style, voice, and podcast overall. This will be especially beneficial if the podcast you’re guest-starring on has a similar tone and voice as yours.

5. Post Consistently

People are creatures of habit, and they sure appreciate knowing what to expect and when. Try to stick to a consistent schedule and make it clear when you’ll be releasing new content. This way, people won’t get annoyed when they return for more, only to be left in the dark about the next release.

If you want to find out more about using a podcast for your marketing, read our blog about leveraging podcasts to market your business.

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 28, 2021
min read
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