
Performance Testing Tools to Revamp Your Website

If you haven’t already heard, KP Kreative is about to undergo a full rebranding to become Page One Digital. We’re in the midst of updating our website and improving it, so we've got performance testing on the brain. Because it’s so important if you want to revamp your website, and because it’s just so front of mind for me these days, I thought it would be a great time to share some website performance testing tips.

Website Performance Testing Is a Must

Website performance testing is crucial for making sure your website is running like a well-oiled machine and providing the best user experience possible. And with the world of digital algorithms constantly evolving, it's important to keep checking in and making sure your website is up-to-date and meeting the latest standards. Website performance testing is never a one-and-done. It’s a process you need to make part of your routine, especially when you’re looking to revamp your website.

So, what kind of tools are we at KP Kreative Page One Digital using to test website performance? There are a lot of options out there, but we've got two favorites: Google's PageSpeed Insights and Hubspot’s Website Grader.

Why We Like Google’s PageSpeed Insights

Think of Google's PageSpeed Insights as a personal trainer for your website. It analyzes your site’s performance on both mobile and desktop devices, giving you a score on a scale of 0-100. The higher the score, the better its performance. It also gives you suggestions on how to improve and revamp your website, like reducing the size of images or minimizing code. These suggestions may be a bit technical for the average person, but if you share results with your web developer, they should be able to help you make the recommended improvements.

Why We Like Hubspot’s Website Grader

On the other hand, Website Grader is like a personal stylist for your website. It analyzes your site’s design, content, and code, also giving you a score on a scale of 0-100. Similar to PageSpeed Insights, Website Grader shares further suggestions on how to improve your website. These include things like increasing text size for better readability or optimizing images for faster page loading. These suggestions are written in lay terms, and Hubspot offers detailed help articles to better contextualize their recommended suggestions.

Revamp Your Website with Page One Digital

We don’t just use these tools for our own website needs. We’ll soon offer assessments where we utilize these website performance testing tools alongside our expertise to provide you with customized recommendations that can help improve your website performance. We can help you get your website running at its best or provide you with instructions for your web development team to do so on their end.

We suggest testing your website's performance regularly—at least every six months—to keep up with the ever-evolving digital algorithm world. You can do this on your own with these great website performance testing tools, or you can go a step further with the experts at Page One Digital. So, let us know if you need any help, and we'll be happy to give your website a check-up and make sure it's operating at top performance.

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Kimberly Portuondo
March 21, 2023
min read
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