
4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Marketing Strategy

The marketing arena never stays the same for long, especially in the digital marketing landscape. There’s always a new strategy at play, new feedback to implement, and more tweaks to be made to your latest video set to hit the socials. The result? You’re likely running around like a mad hatter, trying to keep everything in order and prevent your team from burning out or campaigns from falling apart.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. With a little “spring cleaning” and smart thinking, you can clean up your marketing strategy and start with a clean, fresh canvas that’s primed for success. With that in mind, here are my top 4 top ideas for cleaning up your marketing strategy this spring.

Collect & Categorize

Take a step back and look at all the different tools you’re currently leveraging for your marketing campaigns. Are you using email? SEO? Podcasts? Social Media? Ads? Now that you know what you’re using to raise brand awareness, it’s time to analyze what’s working best and what should be put on the back burner to free up your bandwidth.

Revisit Your KPIs

Remember that every marketing strategy must be underpinned by the key metrics that guide your goals. Seeing as your goals are constantly evolving, it’s likely they’ve changed since the last time you did a spring cleaning of your marketing strategy. Therefore, now would be a good time to revisit your goals and key metrics, so you can examine your past accomplishments and plan out your projected ones for next year.

Monitor the Competition

If you’ve already cut down on some marketing tools and reassessed your goals – opening up resources and budget – now would be a great time to reinvest in something new. Perhaps your competitors are ten steps ahead. Start with your top three competitors and see where they’re most active on social media, what types of ads they are running, etc. Don’t simply switch strategies because a competitor did. What worked for them might not work so well for you, so do your homework first and determine what might be feasible for you.

Start Automating

There’s little as disheartening as performing the biggest spring clean of your life, only to see the mess revert back in a matter of days. Whether we’re talking about your home or your marketing strategy, organization is the key to maintaining what you’ve worked so hard to achieve. And that’s where automation comes in. Take control of this year’s digital marketing strategy with marketing automation.

No digital marketing cleanup is easy, but the results and peace of mind will be well worth it. Do you have any ideas we haven’t mentioned? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below! And remember, we’re always here if you need help with getting that spring marketing cleanup underway.

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Kimberly Portuondo
March 22, 2022
min read
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