
Celebrate National Small Business Week

Every year, the U.S. Small Business Administration gives small businesses a turn to be in the limelight with National Small Business Week. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain more recognition across the nation and grow your business. But how can you make the most of this yearly event?

We’re here to help with 5 tips to make the most of National Small Business Week:

1. Make a Point of Learning

When you’re in the daily hustle of running a business, you don’t often get to explore all your resources properly. This event provides some helpful resources to give your small business a big boost. You can even register for the FREE National Small Business Week Virtual Conference where you’ll get to meet 2020’s winners from across the country, learn exciting new strategies, meet other successful business owners, and talk to some of the admired experts also attending.

2. Network, Network, and Network Some MORE!

The best tool to grow your business is valuable connections. With so many local small businesses at the event, see if you can reach out to some of them and establish some helpful connections for your own business.

3. Support Others, and You Shall Receive Support Back

Be sure to exude an attitude of support to the other small businesses around you. You are, after all, mostly under the same roof in terms of making ends meet. Supporting other players gives you an aura of friendly competition and support – which will most likely be reciprocated!

4. Find a Mentor

When you come across a successful business owner you can really relate and connect with, don’t be hesitant to approach them and ask for help. It never hurts to have mentorship in your corner!

5. Don’t Forget About Your Existing Fans!

Be sure to invite your existing customers to the party. They are, after all, the reason you exist, right? So, run some awesome specials, thank them for their support, and let them know you see and appreciate them. Word of mouth is the best way to get more customers, and your existing supporters can make that happen.

Are you celebrating National Small Business Week this year? Let us know how our tips helped your small business this 2021!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
April 28, 2021
min read
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