
Is Your Website Secure?

As a website owner, it’s important that you create a secure site for your visitors. Unfortunately, not all sites are created equal and some just aren’t secure. An unsafe website can steal your information, spread malware, spread spam, and more. Here’s what you need to know about website security.

What is HTTPS?

Websites with the URL prefix HTTPS (instead of HTTP) are using what is known as an SSL certificate, or Secure Socket Layer. SSL is a standard security measure that involves establishing an encrypted connection between the browser and the webserver. This encryption prevents people from obtaining information that users send to your website such as contact information, credit card numbers, or other personal data.

Why is HTTPS Important?

In the past, HTTPS connections were used primarily for websites that collected sensitive information such as medical histories or credit card numbers. Now we are seeing more and more websites using HTTPS, even if they don’t collect information from their users. This is because using HTTPS is now considered best practice for business websites as it keeps users safe, establishes credibility, decreases loading times, and works well with digital ads. Certain digital ad placements require websites to have an SSL certificate before using their services, so if you’d like to advertise across multiple platforms, you may have a problem Additionally, an SSL certificate optimizes search engine performance. This is in large part because Google’s algorithm favors secure websites over unsecure websites, so if your site isn’t secure, it is less likely to show up in a Google search over your competitors.

Acquiring an SSL certificate is a straightforward and beneficial step to take that can provide website security. Our experts can help you with this process to create and maintain a secure website. To get started, just click here to schedule a free evaluation.

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Madison Flashenburg
February 2, 2021
min read
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