
How to Be a Marketing Shark

As a Florida native, Shark Week has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Sharks are at the top of their food chain and are born and bred to dominate the deep blue sea. Shark Week got me thinking about how to become a Shark in the marketing world. So here are my thoughts for you:

1. Focus On Your Intuition

Sharks have your standard five senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. They also have a sixth sense that allows them to sense electrical fields around them. This essentially lets them see in murky waters or even through the seafloor sediment. The takeaway here for marketers is to use analytics and data to act as a sixth sense that will allow you to predict where/when your audience is most likely to buy.

2. Take Advantage of Tools

Like I said, sharks are equipped to be at the top of the food chain. They have tools that allow them to dominate their prey like rows and rows of teeth and skin that is razor-sharp. As marketers, the number of tools we have at our fingertips is endless. It’s important to use those tools to your advantage so that you are best equipped to connect with your audience.

3. Create Symbiotic Relationships

Even sharks need a little help from their friends. It is very common to see sharks swimming with remoras attached to them. These remora fish remove parasites from the sharks and the sharks provide transportation for the remoras. Think about your industry and your target audience and if there are other businesses you can connect with to create a symbiotic relationship.

4. Show Your Audience the Live Drama

I think that Shark Week is popular because it gives viewers a live look into the day-to-day for sharks. We get the chance to see sharks as more than just monsters of the ocean. Your business might not be as dramatic as a shark feeding session, but you can go live to give your audience a behind the scenes glimpse into your day-to-day.

For more tips on how to improve your digital marketing, click here to contact one of our experts.

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Kimberly Portuondo
July 21, 2020
min read
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