
How Often Should You Post to Your Blog?

Blogging effectively can be extremely difficult. From blog post length to content, there is so much to consider when writing your blog posts. Once you figure all of that out, you will find yourself wondering how often you should be posting to your blog. And like most things for your business, you will find varied answers.

There are many resources out there talking about how to blog effectively. Most experts are speaking from their personal experience with clients or with their own business. The answer you'll find across the board is that you should be posting to your blog daily. But if you’re a small business owner, that is likely not possible. So, here's my advice:

Post At Least Once a Week

While daily content can give your blog a great boost for SEO, it can also hurt you if you don't keep publishing at the same frequency. That's why once a week is a more reasonable option, however, anything less than that will make it hard for you to keep your readers interest.

Unless you have someone whose job is to write daily blog posts, or you plan to supplement original content with guest bloggers or reposts, a daily schedule isn't realistic. After all, you've got a business to run.

Understand the Importance of Blogging Frequency

When you regularly update your blog with well-written and engaging posts, you are positioning yourself for more visits to your site. According to data from Hubspot:

  • Companies that post to their blog 3-5 times a month, or about once a week, have twice as much traffic as companies that don't.
  • Companies that post to their blog 15+ posts per month see more than five times the traffic of companies that don't post to their blog.
  • Small businesses see the most significant results in their traffic when they update their blogs more often.

Set a Realistic Schedule and Be Consistent

Obviously, the more frequently you post to your blog, the more traffic you are going to get. When you stop posting as frequently that traffic will start to die down.

If you want your to blog to grow your business you need to establish yourself as an expert. To do this you need to consistently push out great content. Once a week is the minimum, if you can post more often then you should! Pick a schedule that you can manage and make the time for it. (Most blogs offer the ability to schedule posts in advance so you can always stay ahead of the game if you're having a particularly great writing day.)

Tell Your Readers When They'll Hear from You Again

If you want to make sure your readers stick with you, let them know when to expect another post from you. This will act like a contract between you and your reader. They'll know when to expect new updates and you'll feel that much more committed to your blogging schedule.

The main thing is to make sure that all of your blog posts are useful and relevant to your readers so they will keep coming back each time you post!

How often are you posting to your blog? Do you have a set schedule to publish new posts? Leave a comment below with your answers. I'd love to hear from you.

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Kimberly Portuondo
March 31, 2015
min read
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