
6 Hacks for Better Landing Pages

If you want to maximize the effectiveness of your website, one of the best digital marketing hacks to try is building strong landing pages. These tips for better landing pages help you increase conversions, boost time on site, generate leads, and help build the credibility of your business.

What Is a Landing Page?

Landing pages are web pages that are created for specific marketing or advertising campaigns. Users are led to landing pages through links in emails, social media ads, search engine ads, QR codes, and other digital marketing and sales channels. Landing pages should be designed around a singular call to action. These standalone pages exist to increase conversions for a specific campaign. There’s no website navigation involved. They serve one purpose in direct connection to a specific campaign directed at your target audience.

A lot is riding on your landing pages. Use the following tips to increase conversions for your landing pages and boost the effectiveness of your marketing and advertising campaigns.

6 Tips for Better Landing Pages

Make Headlines Short 

Landing pages are different than your usual web pages. The content is very focused on the goal of the campaign. Headlines should contain eight words or fewer and make a promise to your target audience. For example, Hate Keyword Research? We Can Help!

In our example, we’ve identified a pain point for our target market and promised that we have the solution.

CTA Above the Fold

The call to action tells your website visitors what to do next. Your initial CTA should be visible when your page loads (above the fold). Use contrasting colors, a simple design, and easy-to-read fonts to grab attention and make the users’ next steps completely clear.

Keep Form Questions to a Minimum

In general, landing pages request information from website visitors. The details can be easily collected through an embedded form. It may be tempting to ask for more information than you need but keep your form questions to a minimum. If you only need an email address for the campaign, then only ask for that. Long forms can feel invasive and cause people to abandon them.

Use Language That Defines Your Customer

Your landing page should directly address what you have to offer, who you are offering it to, and what problem it addresses. Generic messaging won’t cut it on a landing page! Target one specific problem and solution that ties into your marketing or sales campaign per landing page.

Tell Visitors What to Do Next

Too many landing pages make the mistake of using vague calls to action like “next” or “get started.” Your CTA should be a helpful response to the problem you’re solving, such as, “Download your free ebook now” or “Make your appointment today.”

Add Video Where Applicable

Video is a fantastic tool for explaining things, demonstrating product use, conveying information, and so much more. If your landing page would benefit from video, use it!

Add these six tips for landing pages to your toolbox of digital marketing hacks to increase conversions for your marketing or advertising campaigns. If you need help creating effective landing pages, Page One Digital can help. Contact us today for more information!

Post author
Dorothy Distefano
August 1, 2023
min read
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