
Tips to Prepare for the Google Algorithm Update

Google has decided to once again improve our online user experience, which is definitely not a bad gesture – but we want to make sure you’re prepared. Google recently rolled out an algorithm update called “Page Experience,” which may have an effect on your Google rankings.

So, if you want your business to rank higher on Google, make sure you know how to prepare for Google’s update!

1. Identify Areas of Improvement

Have a look at your website, its loading speeds, HTTPS security, and Core Vitals to identify any areas that need enhancement.

2. Fix Existing Metrics

Is your website mobile-compatible? Well, it best be to comply with this update! Get your HTTPS certificate and fix any GSC errors that Google has flagged ahead of the update rollout.

3. Make those Ranking Fixes

If your site has issues with Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), you’ll definitely be affected by the update – so make sure you’re on top of fixing your Core Web Vitals ASAP.

The main idea here is not to underestimate Google Algorithm Updates. You don’t want to end up like the kid at the back of the class who “didn’t know,” and now has to scramble to catch up.

Take the time to improve your site in preparation for this algorithm update so you can keep your valuable traffic on your website and potentially improve your SEO so that you’ll rank higher on Google.

Do you have tips on how to prepare for Google’s update? Remember – sharing is caring!

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Kimberly Portuondo
May 11, 2021
min read
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