
Fall Marketing Tips

The first day of fall is right around the corner and whether your business is located somewhere the leaves change or not, it’s important to incorporate a fall marketing strategy. Fall is often viewed as a new beginning. With summer coming to a close and school starting back up, it’s a fresh start for business owners, teachers, families, etc. So, how can you use this season to your advantage?

Host an Online Giveaway

Giveaways are a great way to create a lot of buzz about a product or service you’re offering and build relationships with potential customers. Create a solid plan for your giveaway and then engage with your online audience by asking their opinion on the giveaway prize. Asking for their involvement will allow you to determine what your most popular products and services are. By involving your audience, you cater to their exact needs.

Giveaways can also help grow your following. For example, having your followers post on their story as a way to enter the giveaway allows their followers to view your content. This type of giveaway is an effective way for potential customers to easily find you from someone they already know.

Prepare for the Holidays Ahead

Fall is a great time to experiment with your marketing strategy for the bigger holiday season ahead. By running fall-themed promotions and getting creative with email campaigns, you can test your results and identify how your customers are reacting and engaging to the content they’re being presented. Tweaking your end of year strategy based on marketing experiments can be a great way to achieve further success.

Remember What You’re Thankful For - Your Customers

We are entering the season of gratitude so it’s important to highlight your loyal customers and top fans. Get creative by developing a special offer that’s only redeemable by those select customers. It’s essential to appreciate and recognize your customers' value to your business. Customer appreciation can improve customer retention and their lifetime value. Satisfied customers will tell their friends and family, which ultimately will help your business profit and gain solid connections.

Your business still has a small window to plan out ideas for this upcoming fall, so use our tips to your advantage to stand out and stay ahead of the game this season.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
September 15, 2020
min read
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