
Content Batching: How to Save Time This Holiday Season

With the holiday’s right around the corner, it’s important to plan ahead so you don’t get caught up between family celebrations, parties, and all of the seasonal events. Content batching can help save you time and avoid stress over what you’re going to post!

What is Content Batching?

Content batching is creating a batch of content in one sitting. This can mean creating content for the next two-three weeks or the next few months. Depending on what kind of business you run, this can mean writing all your blogs for the next month, recording several videos at a time for your Instagram stories or Facebook ads, or if you sell products or offer a service, this can mean you set aside a day to photograph all your future releases. It may seem a little overwhelming to create all your content at once, but you’ll be so much more productive with your time.

Content Batching: Where to Start?

A great place to begin content batching is on your social media! Think about the types of images/content businesses use to promote their seasonal sales. What can you capture in order to stand out for Halloween or Thanksgiving?

  • Photo Batching can be super helpful for your Instagram content. Photos of your business/brand are key to bringing in new clients and projects on Instagram. Set aside one or two days at the end of each month to focus on photography. That way, there’s no need to think about what photo you’ll post for the day because it will already be handled.
  • Take the time to really plan out your shoots. For example, if you’re creating content for the month of October, be sure to style it using props that relate to the seasons changing.
  • Batch your photo captions as well. We’ve all been there before… you have the perfect photo for your product/services but you have no idea what to caption your photo with! Come up with captions that truly show off who you are and that are designed to engage with your audience. Using a Document or even your notes on your phone, have a running list of captions that include inspirational quotes, product announcements, interesting facts, etc.
  • Schedule your images. The greatest thing to do after content batching is to schedule all your images for the week ahead. With scheduling services like Hootsuite, you are able to save plenty of time by making one post to be scheduled across all of your most important platforms.

Content marketing can be anything you choose to communicate your brand, such as posters, images, videos, blog posts, etc. Regardless of what content you choose, it all communicates your brand to your viewers. By giving content batching a try, you’ll be more productive, goal-driven, and it’ll allow you to handle your social media management with ease!

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 18, 2019
min read
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