
3 Tips to Make the Most of Instagram Stories

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Instagram stories are become more and more popular. Instagram is having a huge boom, with the number of users doubling in the last few months, so now is the time to master this platform for your business. We're still experimenting with Instagram Stories and how the art of engaging our viewers with them. That said, I have personally seen the results of this tool, and it can be huge for your business. We're seeing more views on Stories than on standard Instagram posts, and a large number of link clicks from stories as opposed to the bio link. So, here are 3 Instagram story tips based on our experiments:

1. Using Photos and Videos In Your Story Makes It More Authentic

When you're considering what content to post in your Instagram Stories, don't think about it as a bunch of different random posts. You should think about what sort of message you want to send to your audience. A strong Story with photos and video will capture the essence of the whole day, rather than just a few random posts.

2. Sending Direct Message (DM) Leads to Better Engagement

Direct messages are a great way to create a one-on-one relationship with followers. It is possible to share your Instagram Story via direct message or by highlighting it so it will be on the main page of your profile indefinitely. You can also use your Story to encourage your followers to send you messages from your Story so you can connect with them one-on-one.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Website with Instagram Stories

Use Instagram Stories to communicate to your followers when there is new content published on your website. You can drive a lot of traffic by sharing a series of Instagram Stories that highlights content being published.

So far, we are seeing a lot of engagement through Instagram Stories and would recommend experimenting with them for your business!

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 21, 2018
min read
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