
Using Pinterest for Your Business

When it comes to social media sites there are plenty of options. Just like each business is different, so is each social media site. Some of the more popular social sites like Facebook and Twitter may seem like a good idea, but the truth is they might not be the right fit for your company. So if you want to mix it up a bit there are many other ways for your business to be social online. One social site worth checking out is Pinterest.

Once you sign up for Pinterest, you can create boards. Think of Pinterest as an online version of a cork board. You can create as many boards as you want and call them whatever you want. After you make the boards, pin away my friends. Any visual image you see can be pinned onto your boards. Pinterest also has a feature that lets you share posts with friends. This way you can
make sure they see something they might like. You can comment on any post as long as youʼre signed in to Pinterest. Some pinners might even let you pin on their boards, too.

My favorite things about Pinterest is the organization behind it. Pinterest has been compared to Tumblr, a popular blogging site. I can see how the two sites are alike because they focus on visual images. However, Pinterest lets you organize your posts into categories. This makes searching for images easier, and itʼs also a great way to classify your thoughts. Itʼs also a great spot for collecting thematic images for a project (interior design schemes, party decorations, fashion boards, etc). Instead of just having a one-stop shop where I store the gems I find on the internet, I can categorize them. So if Iʼm looking for something funny I go straight to my funny board, and I donʼt have to sort through the arty stuff because thatʼs all on a different board.

If your target audience is on Pinterest (majority of the over 1 mil users are female mothers), I suggest you get on it too. Use the boards to tell the story behind your company and connect with your audience.

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 23, 2014
min read
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