
12 Ways to Add New Content to Your Website

You have a high-quality, gorgeous website for your business. The content is optimized for SEO and reads like a dream. But your website isn’t a one-and-done part of a good content marketing strategy. It’s necessary to consistently add new content to show users—and—Google that your site is relevant and meeting the needs of your online audience.

Some days, the ideas flow nonstop. But coming up with fresh content ideas isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 12 ways you can add fresh content to your website.

1. Blog Posts

Blog posts, like this one, are a great way to answer customer questions, share ideas, and add fresh content to your website. Mix things up by adding posts with infographics, video blogs, or guest posts from influencers in your industry!

2. Tutorials

Show your web audience how to use your product or service through graphics, images, or videos. For example, an HVAC company could show how to change your furnace filter.

3. Resource Pages

Create educational content, including videos, blogs, infographics, tutorials, research, and helpful links, and put it together on a resource page that you can add to regularly.

4. FAQ

You probably hear the same questions over and over again. Add a frequently asked question page, and you can update it with new questions and answers as they arise.

5. A Brand Timeline

Looking for a fresh way to tell your brand story? Share the information visually with a timeline. Add interactive features to engage users as they discover how your brand evolved.

6. Show Your Impact

Insert a widget to make a visually exciting display of how many customers you’ve served, jobs you’ve completed, or any quantifiable metrics you can share with potential customers.

7. Glossary of Terms

If you have a specialized business that uses terms your customers may not know, a glossary can be a very helpful tool. Add images or graphics to clarify when needed.

8. Customer Reviews

According to Power Reviews, 97% of consumers consult product reviews before they make a purchase. Highlight your reviews on a page dedicated to the best of the best and update them often.

9. User-Generated Content

In addition to customer reviews, curate any images or videos made by customers to share on your site. Update this frequently to highlight loyal customers.

10. What’s New?

Add a section on your home page for company news and announcements. For example, a roofing company might feature pictures of the current house they are working on, or a small business may show videos of its team engaging in local volunteer work. Update frequently!

11. DEI

Potential customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders will likely want to know what your company is doing from a DEI perspective, so a page dedicated to this content would be particularly relevant.

12. Repurpose Existing Content

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Expand on interesting social media posts, use visuals from sales collaterals and other marketing materials, or use B-roll footage from videos you’ve shot.

As always, if you need assistance with any of your marketing needs, KP Kreative is here to help!

Post author
Dorothy Distefano
July 5, 2022
min read
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