
Social Media Strategy

How to Utilize Social Media for Your Business: Part 2

Kimberly Portuondo
June 24, 2015

I recently wrote a blog covering the general steps needed to get your business started on social media. One of the first things I always recommend is choosing the right social media platform for your business.

How to Utilize Social Media for Your Business: Part 1

Kimberly Portuondo
June 3, 2015

Getting started with social media for your business can be extremely overwhelming. Besides the multiple choices for social media sites, you also have to decide which content to post. Instead of spreading yourself too thin, it's important to make the right decisions so you can stand our amongst the noise.

Is Social Media Spreading You Too Thin?

Kimberly Portuondo
February 18, 2015

When social media is done effectively its importance cannot be argued. In order to use social media effectively you need to be able to focus time and energy on it. Just like every one of your clients requires a different approach, each social media outlet should be used differently and attracts a different type of audience.

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