
Social Media

The Social Media/SEO Connection

Madison Flashenburg
October 1, 2019

Digital marketing is ever-changing and is in the midst of an interesting evolution. Historically, we’ve understood search to be a major source of traffic and leads for small and large businesses alike. As social networks continue to grow, social media marketing is even more heavily embraced. So, where should you focus your efforts and which is more important -- SEO or social media? The answer (frustrating as it may be) is that both can be key elements to your marketing strategy.

Using Podcasts for Your Marketing

Kimberly Portuondo
September 24, 2019

International Podcast Day is the perfect time to start podcasting for your business. Celebrated on September 30th, International Podcast Day is focused on growing the global podcasting community. If you have not used a podcast for your business before, here’s what you need to know.

Handling Tragedy on Social Media

Kimberly Portuondo
September 10, 2019

When tragedy strikes, it is difficult for individuals, especially businesses, to know the best way to deal with the situation. Should you make a public statement or remain silent with respect? Social media is built around the concept of community. And community becomes more important than ever in times of tragedy or national distress. People use social media as a medium for reflecting, reacting and responding to the tragedy. It can be challenging for business to know how to best handle a tragedy and sometimes doing nothing is not the answer. Here’s our advice for handling tragedies on social media.

The Importance of Web & Social Analytics

Kimberly Portuondo
May 7, 2019

Analytics/Insights are a technology that you can use to collect, report, measure and analyze what people are doing on your website (or social profile), how they found you, etc. Analytics are used to study the performance of a site and to guide efforts to make improvements. Analytics have become more and more robust over time, so it can be pretty overwhelming to figure out what metrics are important from a marketing standpoint.

Facebook Metric Changes: Spring 2019

Madison Flashenburg
April 23, 2019

Spring has officially sprung, and just as you are seeing changes outside in the world, Facebook is making some changes, too. Facebook is constantly working to provide a high functioning ad platform, which means metrics must evolve, too. These changes aren’t anything new; over the past few years, we’ve seen regular updates and removals of unnecessary metrics. The goal is to replace current ad metrics with more actionable ones. A recent company blog post shed some insight on a few upcoming changes. These changes will start on April 30th and we’ve compiled a list of recommendations on the metrics you should use going forward.

Spring Cleaning for Social Media

Madison Flashenburg
March 5, 2019

Just like our homes, our social media profiles can get cluttered (though it’s much harder to spot online). Instead of a mountain of laundry piling up, social media disorganization can easily go unnoticed. Just because it isn’t obvious doesn’t mean it’s not causing problems. An organized approach to your social media marketing gives you higher quality content and more control, leading to stronger connections. Here are our tips.

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