
KP Kreative's 2018 Marketing Favorites

This year we used a variety of apps and tools to create custom images and social media content. The tools were easy to use, and allowed us to create a seamless design for our clients! We want to pay it forward by sharing our favorite marketing tools so you can try them out for your own business.

Unfold App


The Unfold app comes with different templates for your Instagram story! They have basic packages for free or you can purchase more options through the app for $1.00! This app was so helpful when it came to laying things out in an organized way. Whether we wanted to promote a new social media guide or a blog post, this app allowed us to choose the perfect template!

Canva 2.0

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This year Canva launched its 2.0 version! Canva makes it easy to create images, cover photos, flyers, ads, brochures, you name it! You can search for stock photos for free through the website as well. Canva 2.0’s new features include new fonts, templates, and folders to easily organize your designs based on each client, product, or service for your business! Canva is a free tool, but has paid options if you want more customization. We use Canva almost every day to create all the images for our clients and their social media accounts. It’s super easy to navigate and is user-friendly for anyone looking to spice up their social media feeds!



Hootsuite helps us with all of our social media scheduling needs! We make our images in advance (using Canva) and use Hootsuite to schedule them to be posted out. Hootsuite allows you to schedule text and/or images for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ accounts, and Instagram! This helps out immensely because you don’t have to go to each platform individually to post content. It is super easy to add your caption, hashtags, and media while scheduling posts. You can also schedule one post to a handful of social media accounts all at the same time. This website is probably the biggest life/time saver for us. You can manage up to three social media accounts for free with Hootsuite. Paid accounts allow you to invite team members, share social network access with them, and start collaborating!

There are so many more amazing apps and tools out there, but these were definitely our most used in 2018! Each are simple and easy to use and can be a serious game changer for your business in 2019!

Post author
Kevin Portuondo
December 18, 2018
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